affsegment - Online in the Cloud

This is the command affsegment that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



affsegment - segment manipulation tool


affsegment [options] file1.aff [file2.aff ...]


This is a segment manipulation tool.

This file is part of the AFFLIBv3, that provides AFF.

AFF is an open and extensible file format to store disk images and associated metadata. It
is useful in several scenaries, as computer forensics investigations.



-c Create AFF files if they do not exist.

Sets the value of a segment; may be repeated.

Prints the contents of the segment name for each file.

-V Just print the version number and exit.

-dname Delete segment 'name'.

-h, -? Print this message.

-Q interpert 8-byte segments as a 64-bit value.

-A Print the 32-bit arg, not the segment value.

-x Print the segment as a hex string.

Setting the segment values:

Take the new value of segment 'name' from stdin.

Sets segment 'name' to be 'val'.

Sets segment 'name' to be contents of file 'val'

Setting the segment args:

Sets segment 'name' arg to be 'arg' (may be repeated).

Setting both the segment value and the arg:

Sets both arg and val for segment 'name'. -sname/arg=<file Sets the arg and
take contents from file 'file'.

Sets the arg of segment 'name' and take the contents from stdin.


All deletions are done first, then all updates. Don't specify the same segment twice on
one command line.

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