agave - Online in the Cloud

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Agave - colorscheme designer for the gnome desktop


agave [options]


Agave is a program for generating colorschemes from a starting color. It currently
supports five different colorscheme types:

* Complements: The starting color and the color directly across the color wheel
* Split Complements: the starting color and the two colors that are slightly
offset from the color directly across the color wheel
* Triads: the starting color and the two colors 1/3 of the way around the wheel
in each direction.
* Tetrads: The starting color and its complement plus another color slightly
offset from the starting color and _its_ complement
* Analogous: The starting color and two colors slightly offset in hue
* Monochromatic: The starting color and two other colors of the same hue, one
lighter, and one darker

Using Agave

* Choose a starting color by clicking on the color button or selecting a color
from the palette, and then select a scheme type from the combo box. The
generated scheme will be displayed in the main window.
* The left-most Color in the main window is the currently-selected color. This
color can be added to your favorites list with the '+' button in the bottom
right, or with the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+D'.
* To make one of the other colors in the scheme the currently-selected color, you
can double-click the colorswatch.
* To copy a hexstring representation of the color (e.g. #FFFFFF) to the
clipboard, right-click the colorswatch and select the 'copy' menu


Help Options:
-?, --help
Show help options

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Show GTK+ Options

GTK+ Options
Program class as used by the window manager

Program name as used by the window manager

X screen to use

--sync Make X calls synchronous

Load additional GTK+ modules

Make all warnings fatal

Application Options:
-d, --debug
Enable Debugging output

X display to use

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