builder - Online in the Cloud

This is the command builder that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



builder - Go continuous build client


builder [flags] goos-goarch...


If you wish to run a Go builder, please email

To run a builder:

* Write the key ~gobuild/.gobuildkey
You need to get it from someone who knows the key.
You may also use a filename of the form .gobuildkey-$BUILDER if you
wish to run builders for multiple targets.

* Append your username and password credentials from
to the buildkey file in the format "Username\nPassword\n".
(This is for uploading tarballs to the project downloads section,
and is an optional step.)

* Run gobuilder


Maximum time to wait for builds and tests

Directory under which to build

-cmd Build command (specify relative to go/src/)

Maximum time to wait for an external command

Time to wait between polling for new commits (0 disables commit poller)

Go Dashboard Host

-fail fail all builds

Path to download gcc from

Path to download gc from

Build multiple targets in parallel

Build and upload binary release archives

-rev Build specified revision and exit

-tool Tool to build.

-v verbose

Use builder online using services

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