conmen - Online in the Cloud

This is the command conmen that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



conmen - a wrapper to aid in ConMan broadcast sessions




conmen(1) spawns an xterm for each of the selected consoles and uses the current tty as
the broadcast window.

All of the spawned xterm clients are terminated when the broadcast window session is


* `-d` HOST
Specify server destination.

* `-e` CHAR
Specify escape character.

* `-f`
Force connections (console-stealing).

* `-g` QUERY
Specify nodes matching a genders nodeattr query.

* `-G` SIZE
Specify xterm geometry (eg, 80x24).

* `-h`
Display this help.

* `-j`
Join connections (console-sharing).

* `-L`
Display license information.

* `-m`
Monitor connections (read-only).

* `-q`
Query server about specified console(s).

* `-r`
Match console names via regex instead of globbing.

* `-V`
Display version information.

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