db.in.ogrgrass - Online in the Cloud

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db.in.ogr - Imports attribute tables in various formats.


database, import, attribute table


db.in.ogr --help
db.in.ogr input=name [db_table=name] [output=name] [key=string] [encoding=string]
[--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

input=name [required]
Table file to be imported or DB connection string

Name of table from given DB to be imported

Name for output table

Name for auto-generated unique key column

Encoding value for attribute data


db.in.ogr imports attribute tables in various formats as supported by the OGR library on
the local system (DBF, CSV, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, ODBC, etc.). Optionally a unique
key (ID) column can be added to the table.


Import CSV file
Limited type recognition can be done for Integer, Real, String, Date, Time and DateTime
columns through a descriptive file with same name as the CSV file, but .csvt extension
(see details here).
# NOTE: create koeppen_gridcode.csvt first for automated type recognition
db.in.ogr input=koeppen_gridcode.csv output=koeppen_gridcode
db.select table=koeppen_gridcode

Import DBF table
Import of a DBF table with additional unique key column (e.g., needed for v.in.db).
db.in.ogr input=/path/to/mydata.dbf output=census_raleigh key=myid
db.describe -c census_raleigh

Import of a SQLite table
db.in.ogr input=/path/to/sqlite.db db_table=census_raleigh output=census_raleigh

Import of a PostgreSQL table
# HINT: if the database contains spatial tables, but you want to import a non-spatial
table, set the environmental variable PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES to YES before importing
db.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=ecad user=neteler"
db_table=ecad_verona_tmean output=ecad_verona_tmean
db.select table=ecad_verona_tmean
db.describe -c ecad_verona_tmean

Import XLS file
To force reading headers, define environmental variable OGR_XLS_HEADERS=’FORCE’. Parameter
db_table refers to the list within XLS file.
db.in.ogr input=address.xls db_table=address_data

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