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deb-reversion - simple script to change the version of a .deb file


deb-reversion [options] .deb-file [log message...]


deb-reversion unpacks the specified .deb file, changes the version number in the relevant
locations, appends a Debian changelog entry with the specified contents, and creates a new
.deb file with the updated version.

By default, the tool creates a new version number suitable for local changes, such that
the new package will be greater than the current one, but lesser than any future, official
Debian packages. With -v version, the version number can be specified directly. On the
other hand, the -c simply calculates the new version number but does not generate a new

When building a .deb file, root privileges are required in order to have the correct
permissions and ownerships in the resulting .deb file. This can be achieved either by
running deb-reversion as root or running under fakeroot(1), as 'fakeroot deb-reversion

With -k hook, a hook script may be specified, which is run on the unpacked binary packages
just before it is repacked. If you want to write changelog entries from within the hook,
use 'dch -a -- your message'. (Alternatively, do not give a changelog entry on the
deb-reversion command line and dch will be called automatically.) The hook command must be
placed in quotes if it has more than one word; it is called via sh -c.


-v new-version, --new-version new-version
Specifies the version number to be used for the new version. Passed to dch(1).

-o old-version, --old-version old-version
Specifies the version number to be used as the old version instead of the version
stored in the .deb's control file.

-c, --calculate-only
Only calculate and display the new version number which would be used; do not build a
new .deb file. Cannot be used in conjunction with -v.

-s string, --string string
Instead of using 'LOCAL.' as the version string to append to the old version number,
use string instead.

-k hook-command, --hook hook-command
A hook command to run after unpacking the old .deb file and modifying the changelog,
and before packing up the new .deb file. Must be in quotes if it is more than one
(shell) word. Only one hook command may be specified; if you want to perform more than
this, you could specify 'bash' as the hook command, and you will then be given a shell
to work in.

-D, --debug
Pass --debug to dpkg-deb(1).

-b, --force-bad-version
Pass --force-bad-version to dch(1)

-h, --help
Display usage information.

-V, --version
Display version information.

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