dose-challenged - Online in the Cloud

This is the command dose-challenged that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dose-challenged - detect broken packages due to obsolete dependencies


dose-challenged [options] Packages file(s)


dose-challenged performs a speculative analysis of the repository to identify those
packages that, if upgraded to a specific version, would break a large number of other
packages in the repository. This tool would be particularly useful during the upgrade of a
specific component to evaluate its impact on the software archive.

Input Specification

The input of dose-challenged is a list of Debian Packages files

Output Specification

The output of dose-challenged is in the yaml format.


-b --broken
Print the list of broken packages

-d --downgrade
Check package downgrades

-c Print the list of packages in a cluster

--checkonly package[,package] ...
Specifies a list of packages to check. By default all packages are checked. Takes
a comma-separated list of package names and a version .

Example: --checkonly "libc6 (=1.4), 2ping (= 1.2.3-1)"

-v Enable info / warnings / debug messages. This option may be repeated up to three
times in order to increase verbosity.

Enable progress bars.

-h, --help
Display this list of options.


dose-challenged -v --progress Packages.bz2 > result.yaml


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