dov4l - Online in the Cloud

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dov4l - set parameters on a video4linux device


dov4l [options]

options: [-d device] [-f frequency] [-t tuner] [-i inputchannel] [-m mode]


The program dov4l lets you set parameters on a video4linux-device.


-q Query capabilities and settings of your video4linux device.

-h Usage

-d device
Select device. Default is /dev/video0

-f frequency
Set frequency (in Hz!).

-t tuner
Select tuner. Most of the time the default (0) suffices.

-i inputchannel
Select inputchannel. TV cards, for example, sometimes have a tuner and a composite
video input-channel. With this parameter you can select one. To get a list of input
channels, run dov4l with the -q parameter.

-m mode
Select a mode. Mode can be: PAL, NTSC, SECAM or AUTO.

-b brightness
Set brightness.

-u hue Set hue.

-c color
Set color.

-n contrast
Set contrast.

-w whiteness
Set whiteness.

-p palette
Set palette.

-s width,height
Set the width/height of the image, separated with a ','. Warning: no spaces around
the ','!

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