dzen2-gcpubar - Online in the Cloud

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dzen2-gcpubar - graphical CPU usage meter


dzen2-gcpubar [-i interval] [-c count] [-fg color] [-bg color] [-w pixel] [-h pixel]


gcpubar is a CPU utilization meter for Linux. It relies on the existence of the /proc/stat
file and generates fully graphical meters viewable with dzen.


A summary of options is included below.

-i Update interval in seconds (default 1). You can use positive values less than 1 for
intervals shorter than 1 second.

-c Terminate after displaying argument to this option (default infinite).

-fg Foreground color

-bg Background color

-w Width in piwels

-h Height in pixels

-nonl No new line, don't put '\n' at the end of the bar (default: do print '\n')

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