estconfig - Online in the Cloud

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estconfig - configuration utility of Hyper Estraier


estconfig --version

estconfig --prefix

estconfig --execprefix

estconfig --headdir

estconfig --libdir

estconfig --bindir

estconfig --libexecdir

estconfig --datadir

estconfig --cflags

estconfig --ldflags

estconfig --libs

estconfig --mtlibs


estconfig is useful for integration of an application or a system using Hyper Estraier.
It outputs setting and configurations of Hyper Estraier.

estconfig --version
to output version information.

estconfig --prefix
to output the prefix of the destination of installation.

estconfig --execprefix
to output the prefix of the files depending on the platform.

estconfig --headdir
to output the prefix of the headers.

estconfig --libdir
to output the prefix of the libraries.

estconfig --bindir
to output the prefix of the commands.

estconfig --libexecdir
to output the prefix of the CGI script.

estconfig --datadir
to output the prefix of the configuration files.

estconfig --cflags
to output the compiler options to be specified when building.

estconfig --ldflags
to output the linker options to be specified when building.

estconfig --libs
to output the libraries to be specified when building.

estconfig --mtlibs
to output the libraries for applications with multi thread.

estconfig always returns 0 as the exit status.

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