evemu-describe - Online in the Cloud

This is the command evemu-describe that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



evemu-describe, evemu-record - print information and events from an input device


evemu-describe [/dev/input/eventX]

evemu-record [/dev/input/eventX]


evemu-describe gathers information about the input device and prints it to stdout. This
information can be parsed by evemu-device(1) to create a virtual input device with the
same properties.

evemu-record captures events from the input device and prints them to stdout. The events
can be parsed by evemu-play(1) to let a virtual input device created with evemu-device(1)
emit the exact same event sequence.

evemu-describe and evemu-record need to be able to read from the device; in most cases
this means they must be run as root.

If an event node is provided, evemu-describe and evemu-record use that event node.
Otherwise, the user must interactively choose from a list of detected devices.


If evtest-record does not see any events even though the device is being used, the device
may be grabbed by a process (EVIOCGRAB). This is usually the case when debugging a
synaptics or wacom device from within X. VT switching to a TTY or shutting down the X
server terminates this grab and the devices can be recorded. For most X drivers, disabling
the device also removes the grab.

The following command shows the processes with an open file descriptor on the device.

fuser -v /dev/input/eventX

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