fastjet-config - Online in the Cloud

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fastjet-config - fastjet-config


This is FastJet configuration tool. Usage:

fastjet-config [--help] [--version] [--prefix] [--cxxflags] [--libs]

[--shared[=yes|no]] [--plugins[=yes|no]] [--rpath[=yes|no]] [--runpath]
[--list-plugins] [--config]

The arguments can be either queries (one must be present):

--help prints this message and exits

prints FastJet version and exits

gets the FastJet installation directory

returns the compilation flags to be used with C++ programs

--libs returns the flags to pass to the linker

or flags (optional):

controls whether you want to use the static or shared lib (default=yes)

controls whether you also want to link the FastJet plugins (default=no)

adds a -rpath argument at link-time that points to the directory where FastJet
libraries are installed. This avoid having to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime when
using shared libs in a non standard location (but may cause the program to
inadvertently pick up other shared libraries that happen to be in the FastJet
installation directory). (default=yes)

at link-time, adds info about the directory where FastJet libraries are installed
to the runpath (ELF systens only). This avoids having to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH at
runtime when using shared libs in a non standard location but gives priority to an

list all the available plugins

shows a summary of how FastJet was configured

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