gabedit - Online in the Cloud

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gabedit - graphical user interface (GUI) to computational chemistry packages


gabedit [filename]


gabedit is a graphical user interface (GUI) to computational chemistry (Ab Initio)
packages like: GAMESS-US, Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC, Q-Chem, that can help to
generate keywords and options, molecule specifications and the input sections for even the
most advanced calculation types.

Included is an advanced “Molecule Builder” to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them
in three dimensions. It can further display a variety calculation results (molecular
orbitals; surfaces from the electron density, electrostatic potential, NMR shielding
density; IR and Raman computed spectra; ...). Most major molecular file formats are

Exporting of a variety of file formats, like Poyray, BMP, JPEG, PNG, PPM and PS, is
available. Even a series of pictures for animation (vibration, geometry convergence,
rotation, contours, planes color-coded) can be automatically generated.


There are no command line options to use.

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