gems-client - Online in the Cloud

This is the command gems-client that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gems-client - Show data transmitted by gems-server (1)


gems-client [-i] host [port]

gems-client -h | -v


Connects to a computer running gems-server(1) to show in the local terminal the data
transmitted, in real time.


host Hostname or IP address where the server is running.

port TCP port used by the server. Default: 6666.

-i Ignore server terminal size. If this option is not supplied, gems-client
disconnects itself whenever the local terminal is smaller than the terminal
associated to the server.

-h Show a short help message.

-v Show version information.


While gems-client is running, some keys have special functions:

q Quit.

a Enable/disable alarm blocking. When active, if the server transmits an alarm
character ('\a'), the client ignores it, so the alarm does not play. This is
specially useful when many clients are present in the same room, to avoid the
annoying simultaneous beeps.


Diego Essaya <>

Emiliano Castagnari <>

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