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gendesc - Generate a test case description file


gendesc [-h|--help] [-v|--version]
[-o|--output-filename filename]


Convert plain text test case descriptions into a format as understood by genhtml.
inputfile needs to observe the following format:

For each test case:

- one line containing the test case name beginning at the start of the line

- one or more lines containing the test case description indented with at least one
whitespace character (tab or space)

Example input file:

An example test case description.
Description continued

Supposedly the answer to most of your questions

Note: valid test names can consist of letters, decimal digits and the underscore character


Print a short help text, then exit.

Print version number, then exit.

-o filename
--output-filename filename
Write description data to filename.

By default, output is written to STDOUT.

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