git-annex-watch - Online in the Cloud

This is the command git-annex-watch that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



git-annex-watch - watch for changes


git annex watch


Watches for changes to files in the current directory and its subdirectories, and takes
care of automatically adding new files, as well as dealing with deleted, copied, and moved
files. With this running as a daemon in the background, you no longer need to manually run
git commands when manipulating your files.

By default, all files in the directory will be added to the repository. (Including
dotfiles.) To block some files from being added, use .gitignore files.

By default, all files that are added are added to the annex, the same as when you run git
annex add. If you configure annex.largefiles, files that it does not match will instead be
added with git add.



Avoid forking to the background.

--stop Stop a running daemon in the current repository.

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