git-fetch-pack - Online in the Cloud

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git-fetch-pack - Receive missing objects from another repository


git fetch-pack [--all] [--quiet|-q] [--keep|-k] [--thin] [--include-tag]
[--depth=<n>] [--no-progress]
[-v] <repository> [<refs>...]


Usually you would want to use git fetch, which is a higher level wrapper of this command,

Invokes git-upload-pack on a possibly remote repository and asks it to send objects
missing from this repository, to update the named heads. The list of commits available
locally is found out by scanning the local refs/ hierarchy and sent to git-upload-pack
running on the other end.

This command degenerates to download everything to complete the asked refs from the remote
side when the local side does not have a common ancestor commit.


Fetch all remote refs.

Take the list of refs from stdin, one per line. If there are refs specified on the
command line in addition to this option, then the refs from stdin are processed after
those on the command line.

If --stateless-rpc is specified together with this option then the list of refs must
be in packet format (pkt-line). Each ref must be in a separate packet, and the list
must end with a flush packet.

-q, --quiet
Pass -q flag to git unpack-objects; this makes the cloning process less verbose.

-k, --keep
Do not invoke git unpack-objects on received data, but create a single packfile out of
it instead, and store it in the object database. If provided twice then the pack is
locked against repacking.

Fetch a "thin" pack, which records objects in deltified form based on objects not
included in the pack to reduce network traffic.

If the remote side supports it, annotated tags objects will be downloaded on the same
connection as the other objects if the object the tag references is downloaded. The
caller must otherwise determine the tags this option made available.

Use this to specify the path to git-upload-pack on the remote side, if is not found on
your $PATH. Installations of sshd ignores the user’s environment setup scripts for
login shells (e.g. .bash_profile) and your privately installed git may not be found on
the system default $PATH. Another workaround suggested is to set up your $PATH in
".bashrc", but this flag is for people who do not want to pay the overhead for
non-interactive shells by having a lean .bashrc file (they set most of the things up
in .bash_profile).

Same as --upload-pack=<git-upload-pack>.

Limit fetching to ancestor-chains not longer than n. git-upload-pack treats the
special depth 2147483647 as infinite even if there is an ancestor-chain that long.

Do not show the progress.

Output "connectivity-ok" if the received pack is self-contained and connected.

Run verbosely.

The URL to the remote repository.

The remote heads to update from. This is relative to $GIT_DIR (e.g. "HEAD",
"refs/heads/master"). When unspecified, update from all heads the remote side has.

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