gnunet-testing-run-service - Online in the Cloud

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gnunet-testing-run-service - Command line tool to start a service for testing.


gnunet-testing-run-service [options]


gnunet-testing-run-service is a command line tool to start a service for testing. It
starts a peer, running only the service specified on the command line, outputs the path to
the temporary configuration file to stdout.

The peer will run until this program is killed, or stdin is closed. When reading the
character 'r' from stdin, the running service is restarted with the same configuration.

This executable is intended to be used by gnunet-java, in order to reliably start and stop
services for test cases.


Name of the template configuration file to use (optional).

-h, --help
Print short help on options.

-s SERVICE, --service=SERVICE
Name of the service to run.

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