gpgparticipants-prefill - Online in the Cloud

This is the command gpgparticipants-prefill that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gpgparticipants-prefill - insert checksum-digits in a gpgparticicpants' form


gpgparticipants-prefill [OPTIONS] EMPTYLIST FILLEDLIST


gpgparticipants-prefill takes a file produced by gpgparticipants (EMPTYLIST) and tries to
fill in some digits into the SHA256 field such that the resulting list actually has a
SHA256 checksum that starts with those digits. In other words, it tries to produce a file
that hashes to a checksum that is partially written down in the file. Whenever a match is
found, a file with the digits filled in is written to FILLEDLIST.DIGITS.


-h, --help
Print the usage text.

If a match is found of some length, immediately jump to the next length.

--min-length NUM
Start search with given length.

--max-length NUM
Stop search after the given length.

--prefix PREFIX
Only consider hex strings starting with PREFIX.

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