grape - Online in the Cloud

This is the command grape that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



grape - inspection and management of the local grape cache used by Groovy


usage: grape [options] <command> [args] options:

-D,--define <name=value>
define a system property

debug log level 4 will print out full stack traces

usage information

info log level 2 will print out information

quiet log level 0 will print only errors

display the Groovy and JVM versions

verbose log level 3 will print verbose logs

warn log level 1 will print only errors and warnings


install <groupId> <artifactId> [<version>]:
This installs the specified groovy module or maven artifact. If a version is
specified that specific version will be installed, otherwise the most recent
version will be used (as if '*' we passed in).

list: Lists locally installed modules (with their full maven name in the case of groovy
modules) and versions.

resolve (<groupId> <artifactId> <version>)+:
This returns the file locations of the jars representing the artifcats for the
specified module(s) and the respective transitive dependencies. You may optionally
pass in -ant, -dos, or -shell to get the dependencies expressed in a format
applicable for an ant script, windows batch file, or unix shell script

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