grpn - Online in the Cloud

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grpn - GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator


grpn [-fn font] [-btn-fn font] [-disp-fn font] [-rows n] [-cols n] [-b]


GRPN is a RPN calculator for the X Window system built using the GIMP Toolkit (GTK+). GRPN
works with real numbers, complex numbers, matrices, and complex matrices. Numbers can be
displayed in 4 different radix modes, and complex numbers can be displayed in either
Cartesian or polar form.

grpn is a GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator.


-b Don't draw the buttons.

-rows n
Display (a minimum of) n rows.

-cols n
Display (a minimum of) n columns.

-btn-fn font
Use font for the buttons and menu bar.

-disp-fn font
Use font for the main display.

-fn font
Specifies both -btn-fn and -disp-fn.

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