guilt-status - Online in the Cloud

This is the command guilt-status that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



guilt-status - Print the status of files since the last refresh


guilt status [-a|-A] [-c|-C] [-d|-D] [-m|-M] [-r|-R] [-t|-T] [-u|-U] [-x|-X] [-n]


Each file is printed with a prefix that describes it’s status.

A added
C copied
D deleted
M modified
R renamed
T type change (e.g., mode)
U unmerged
? untracked


Hide status prefix in the output

-a, -A
Display only added files

-c, -C
Display only copied files

-d, -D
Display only deleted files

-m, -M
Display only modified files

-r, -R
Display only renamed files

-t, -T
Display only files with a status change (e.g., mode)

-u, -U
Display only unmerged files

-x, -X
Display only unknown files

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