gvfs-mime - Online in the Cloud

This is the command gvfs-mime that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gvfs-mime - Get or set mime handlers


gvfs-mime --query {MIMETYPE}

gvfs-mime --set {MIMETYPE} {HANDLER}


gvfs-mime can query information about applications that are registered to handle a
mime-type, or set the default handler for a mime-type.

Gvfs obtains this information from the shared-mime-info database. The default handler is
stored per-user, in the file $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/mimeapps.list.

MIMETYPE should be a mime-type such as text/plain or application/mbox. HANDLER should be
the name of an existing desktop file such as gedit.desktop.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help
Prints a short help text and exits.

Shows the version number and exits.

Query the handler for MIMETYPE.

Set the default handler for MIMETYPE to HANDLER.


On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.

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