gzserver - Online in the Cloud

This is the command gzserver that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gzserver - Run the Gazebo server.


gzserver options world_file


Gazebo server runs simulation and handles commandline options, starts a Master, runs World
update and sensor generation loops.


-v, --version
Output version information.

Increase the messages written to the terminal.

-h, --help
Produce this help message.

-u, --pause
Start the server in a paused state.

-e, --physics arg
Specify a physics engine (ode|bullet|dart|simbody).

-p, --play arg
Play a log file.

-r, --record
Record state data.

--record_encoding arg (=zlib)
Compression encoding format for log data (zlib|bz2|txt).

--record_path arg
Absolute path in which to store state data

--seed arg
Start with a given random number seed.

--iters arg
Number of iterations to simulate.

Reduce the TCP/IP traffic output by gzserver

-s, --server-plugin arg
Load a plugin.

-o, --profile arg
Physics preset profile name from the options in the world file.

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