hp-query - Online in the Cloud

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hp-query - Model Query Utility


Query a printer model for static model information. Designed to be called from other


hp-query [MODE] [OPTIONS]


Run in non-interactive mode:
-n or --non-interactive


Set the logging level:
-l<level> or --logging=<level> <level>: none, info*, error, warn, debug (*default)

Run in debug mode:
-g (same as option: -ldebug)

This help information:
-h or --help

Specify model by device URI:
-d<device_uri> or --device=<device_uri>

Specify normalized model name:
-m<model_name> or --model=<model_name> (normalized models.dat format)

Specify raw model name:
-r<model_name> or --raw=<model_name> (raw model name from MDL: field of device ID)

Specify key to query:
-k<key> or --key=<key> (or, use -a/--all to return all keys)

Query all keys:
-a or --all (default separator is a LF)

Specify the separator when multiple keys are queried:
-s<sep> --sep=<sep> (character or 'tab', 'newline', 'cr', 'lf', 'crlf')(only valid
when used with -a/--all)

Suppress trailing linefeed:

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