html2haml - Online in the Cloud

This is the command html2haml that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



html2haml - Transforms an HTML file into corresponding Haml code.


html2haml [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]


Transforms an HTML file into corresponding Haml code.


-e, --erb
Parse ERb tags.

Don't parse ERb tags.

-r, --rhtml
Deprecated; same as --erb

Deprecated; same as --no-erb

-x, --xhtml
Parse the input using the more strict XHTML parser.

Use HTML style attributes instead of Ruby hash style.

-E, --ex[:in]
Specify the default external and internal character encodings.

-s, --stdin
Read input from standard input instead of an input file

--trace Show a full traceback on error

Use Unix-style newlines in written files.

-?, -h, --help
Show this message

-v, --version
Print version

Please note this program's function is to make a first approach towards converting your
HTML. Although usually it will give you a nearly good result, it will often need tweaking
- This is specially true when you are parsing RHTML, as it can include parsable and
conditional tags which can be misinterpreted and break nesting.

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