htstat - Online in the Cloud

This is the command htstat that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



htstat - returns statistics on the document and word databases, much like the -s option
to htdig or htmerge.


htstat [-v][-a][-c configfile][-u]


Htdig retrieves HTML documents using the HTTP protocol and gathers information from these
documents which can later be used to search these documents. This program can be referred
to as the search robot.


-a Use alternate work files. Tells htstat to append .work to database files, causing a
second copy of the database to be built. This allows the original files to be used
by htsearch during the run.

-c configfile
Use the specified configfile instead of the default.

-u Give a list of URLs in the document database.

-v Verbose mode. This increases the verbosity of the program. Using more than 2 is
probably only useful for debugging purposes. The default verbose mode (using only
one -v) gives a nice progress report while digging.

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