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idn2 - Libidn2 Internationalized Domain Names (IDNA2008) conversion


idn2 [OPTION]... [STRINGS]...


Internationalized Domain Name (IDNA2008) convert STRINGS, or standard input.

Command line interface to the Libidn2 implementation of IDNA2008.

All strings are expected to be encoded in the locale charset.

To process a string that starts with `-', for example `-foo', use `--' to signal the end
of parameters, as in `idn2 --quiet -- -foo'.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-h, --help
Print help and exit

-V, --version
Print version and exit

-l, --lookup
Lookup domain name (default)

-r, --register
Register label

Print debugging information

Silent operation

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