licensecheck - Online in the Cloud

This is the command licensecheck that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



licensecheck - simple license checker for source files


licensecheck --help|--version

licensecheck [--no-conf] [--verbose] [--copyright] [-l|--lines=N] [-i|--ignore=regex]
[-c|--check=regex] [-m|--machine] [-r|--recursive] [-e|--encoding=...] list of files and
directories to check


licensecheck attempts to determine the license that applies to each file passed to it, by
searching the start of the file for text belonging to various licenses.

If any of the arguments passed are directories, licensecheck will add the files contained
within to the list of files to process.


--verbose, --no-verbose
Specify whether to output the text being processed from each file before the
corresponding license information.

Default is to be quiet.

-l=N, --lines=N
Specify the number of lines of each file's header which should be parsed for license
information. (Default is 60).

By default, the last 5k bytes of each files are parsed to get license information. You
may use this option to set the size of this parsed chunk. You may set this value to 0
to avoid parsing the end of the file.

-i=regex, --ignore=regex
When processing the list of files and directories, the regular expression specified by
this option will be used to indicate those which should not be considered (e.g. backup
files, VCS metadata).

-r, --recursive
Specify that the contents of directories should be added recursively.

-c=regex, --check=regex
Specify a pattern against which filenames will be matched in order to decide which
files to check the license of.

The default includes common source files.

-s, --skipped
Specify whether to show skipped files, i.e. files found which do not match the check
regexp (see "--check" option). Default is to not show skipped files.

Note that ignored files (like ".git" or ".svn") are not shown even when this option is

Also display copyright text found within the file

-e --encoding
Specifies input encoding of source files. By default, input files are not decoded.
When encoding is specified, license and copyright information are printed on STDOUT as
utf8, or garbage if you got the encoding wrong.

-m, --machine
Display the information in a machine readable way, i.e. in the form
<file><tab><license>[<tab><copyright>] so that it can be easily sorted and/or
filtered, e.g. with the awk and sort commands. Note that using the --verbose option
will kill the readability.

--no-conf, --noconf
Do not read any configuration files. This can only be used as the first option given
on the command line.


The two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are sourced by a shell
in that order to set configuration variables. Command line options can be used to
override configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are ignored for this
purpose. The currently recognised variables are:

If this is set to yes, then it is the same as the --verbose command line parameter
being used. The default is no.

If this is set to a positive number then the specified number of lines at the start of
each file will be read whilst attempting to determine the license(s) in use. This is
equivalent to the --lines command line option.

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