mapcache_seed - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mapcache_seed that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mapcache_seed - generate tiles to seed mapcache


mapcache_seed -c /path/to/mapcache.xml [options]


mapcache_seed is an advanced seeding tool for mapcache, whose main features are:

· configurable number of seeding threads, to speed up the rendering

· ability to reseed tiles older than a certain timestamp

· ability to seed tiles given a shapefile/OGR datasource


-c, --config file
Path to the mapcache.xml configuration file that contains the tilesets that need to
be seeded.

-C, --cache override
Override cache used by selected tileset (useful for selectively seeding
fallback/multitier caches).

-t, --tileset name
Name of the tileset that must be seeded.

-g, --grid name
Name of the grid that must be seeded (the selected tileset must reference the given

-z, --zoom minzoom,maxzoom
(Optional) Start and end zoom levels that must be seeded, separated by a comma,
e.g. 0,6.

-M, --metasize width,height
Override metatile size while seeding, e.g. 8,8.

-e, --extent minx,miny,maxx,maxy
(Optional) Bounding box of the area to seed.

-o, --older timestamp|now
(Optional) Only seed tiles that are older than the given value. The value can
either be the string "now", or a date formatted like year/month/day hour:minute,
e.g.: "2011/01/31 20:45". (Note that a full timestamp should be quoted).

-n, --nthreads number
Number of parallel threads that should be used to request tiles from the WMS
source. The default is 1, but can be set higher if the WMS server can withstand
parallel requests (as a rule of thumb, the value chosen here should never be much
higher than the number of cpus on the WMS server). (Incompatible with

-p, --nprocesses number
Number of parallel processes that should be used to request tiles from the WMS
source. (Incompatible with -n/--nthreads).

-P, --precent number
Percent of failed requests allowed from the last 1000 before we abort (default: 1%,
set to 0 to abort on first error).

-L, --log-failed file
Log failed tiles to file.

-R, --retry-failed file
Rtry failed requests logged to file by --log-failed.

-m, --mode seed|delete|transfer
Mode the utility will be running in: either seed (default), delete or transfer.

-x, --transfer tileset
Name of tileset to transfer.

-D, --dimension DIMENSION=VALUE
Used to specify which dimension to use if the tileset supports dimensions. Can be
used multiple times to set multiple dimensions, e.g. -D "DIM1=VAL1" -D "DIM2=VAL2".

-h, --help
Show help.

-q, --quiet
Don't print progress messages to the standard output.

-f, --force
Force tile recreation even if it already exists.

-v, --verbose
Print verbose debugging info (if compiled in).

Optional Commandline options when using OGR/GEOS.

At compile time, if OGR and GEOS where found on the system, the seeder tool supports
additional options to seed only the tiles that cover an arbitrary geographical area.

Important: Note that for the time being, the OGR datasource should be in the same
projection as the grid you are seeding, as there is no automatic reprojection from the
datasource projection to the grid projection.

-d, --ogr-datasource datasource
OGR connection to the spatial source. Consult the OGR documentation for all that is
supported. In the simplest case (e.g. a Shapefile), this is just the full filename
of the shapefile.

-l, --ogr-layer layer
(Optional) For datasources that contain multiple layers (e.g. postgis, with
multiple tables), determines which layer will be used.

-s, --ogr-sql SQL
OGR sql expression that can be applied (see

-w, --ogr-where where
SQL "where" expression to filter out returned values. This would typically be used
to select only the geometry of a given country if the datasource contains all the
world contours.


The seeding utility must be run under the same user account as the user running the
webserver. This is required so the permissions on the tiles created by the seeder are
accessible by the webserver, and conversely so the seeder has the rights to write files to
directories created by the webserver.

A sample seeding session goes like this:

[user@host]$ sudo www-data
[www-data@host]$ mapcache_seed -c /path/to/www/conf/mapcache.xml [options]
[www-data@host]$ logout


Seed the "osm" tileset with the "g"(google/web-mercator) grid:

mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g

Seed levels 0 through 12:

mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12

Given a shapefile that contains the world country countours, seed only the areas that are
covered by land (i.e. skip the oceans). Also use 4 request threads in parallel:

mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -n 4 -d /path/to/seed.shp

Same as beforehand, but only seed the USA (notice the quote usage, required to create
valid sql with a single-quoted 'US':

mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -n 4 -d /path/to/seed.shp -w "FIPS_A2='US'"

Reseed levels 0 to 12 (this could also be done by deleting the cache for levels 0 to 12
and doing a classic seed, but doing so this way does not slow down the access from web

mapcache_seed -c mapcache.xml -t osm -g g -z 0,12 -o now

29 August 2015 mapcache_seed(1)

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