mcview - Online in the Cloud

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mcview - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.


mcview [-bcCdfhstVx?] file


mcview is a link to mc, the main GNU Midnight Commander executable. Executing GNU
Midnight Commander under this name requests staring the internal viewer and opening the
file specified on the command line.


-b Force black and white display.

-c Force color mode on terminals where mcview defaults to black and white.

-C <keyword>=<fgcolor>,<bgcolor>,<attributes>:<keyword>= ...
Specify a different color set. See the Colors section in mc(1) for more

-d Disable mouse support.

-f Display the compiled-in search paths for Midnight Commander files.

-t Used only if the code was compiled with S-Lang and terminfo: it makes the Midnight
Commander use the value of the TERMCAP variable for the terminal information
instead of the information on the system wide terminal database

-V Displays the version of the program.

-x Forces xterm mode. Used when running on xterm-capable terminals (two screen modes,
and able to send mouse escape sequences).


The default colors may be changed by appending to the MC_COLOR_TABLE environment variable.
Foreground and background colors pairs may be specified for example with:


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