medit - Online in the Cloud

This is the command medit that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



medit - text editor


medit [OPTION]... [FILES]


medit is a text editor.


-n, --new-app
run new instance of medit. By default medit opens FILES (or creates a new document
if none are given) in an existing instance of application

-s, --use-session[=yes|no]
load and save session. By default medit does it when -n is not used. If this
option is not given on command line then medit uses the corresponding preferences

--pid PID
use existing instance with process id PID.

--app-name NAME
use instance name NAME. If an instance with this name is already running, then it
will send files given on the command line to that instance and exit.

-e, --encoding ENCODING
use provided character encoding to open the file

-l, --line LINE
open file and position cursor on line LINE. Alternatively line number may be
specified with filename, e.g. medit foo.txt:12

-r, --reload
automatically reload opened file if it was modified on disk by another program.

-w, --new-window
open file in a new window.

-t, --new-tab
open file in a new tab.

--log-file FILE
write debug output into FILE. This option is only useful on Windows.

show debug output in a log window. This option is only useful on Windows.

--debug DOMAINS
enable debug output for DOMAINS (if medit was compiled with --enable-debug option).

--geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT

--geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y
default window size and position.

-h, --help
show summary of options.

-v, --version
show program version.

FILES list of files to open. Filenames may include line numbers after colon, e.g.
/tmp/file.txt:200. Trailing colon is ignored.


if set, it is used as --pid argument. When medit spawns a process (e.g. a DVI
viewer) it sets MEDIT_PID to its own process id, so the child process may in turn
simply use 'medit filename' to open a file (e.g. for inverse DVI search).


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