nautilus-actions-config-tool - Online in the Cloud

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nautilus-actions-config-tool - configure programs to launch from the nautilus file manager




Help Options
-?, --help
Show help options

-?, --help-all
Show all help options

-?, --help-misc

Application Options
-?, --non-unique
Set it to run multiple instances of the program [unique]

-?, --version
Output the version number, and exit gracefully [no]

-?, --display=DISPLAY
X display to use


nautilus-actions is an extension for the nautilus file manager which allows arbitrary
programs to be launched through the nautilus context menu.

Each time you right-click on one or more files in nautilus, or any part of the background
of the currently opened folder, nautilus-actions will look at its configured actions to
see if a program has been setup for this selection. If so, it will add an item to the menu
that allows you to execute the program on the selected files.

Configurations are stored in GConf for speed and integration with other GNOME programs.
Configs can be easily shared using the "Import/Export assistant" menu items in the Tools
menu of nautilus-actions-config-tool /.

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