ppmdither - Online in the Cloud

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ppmdither - ordered dither for color images


ppmdither [-dim power] [-red shades] [-green shades] [-blue shades] [ppmfile]


Reads a portable pixmap as input, and applies dithering to it to reduce the number of
colors used down to the specified number of shades for each primary. The default number
of shades is red=5, green=9, blue=5, for a total of 225 colors. To convert the image to a
binary rgb format suitable for color printers, use -red 2 -green 2 -blue 2.


-dim power The size of the dithering matrix. The dithering matrix is a square whose
dimension is a power of 2. power is that power of 2. The default is 4, for
a 16 by 16 matrix.

-red shades The number of red shades to be used, including black; minimum of 2.

-green shades The number of green shades to be used, including black; minimum of 2.

-blue shades The number of blue shades to be used, including black; minimum of 2.

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