sxvol-create - Online in the Cloud

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sxvol-create - create volumes on SX clusters


sxvol create [OPTIONS] -r N -s SIZE -o username sx://[profile@]cluster/volume


Create a remote volume with specific settings. Only cluster administrators can create


-h, --help
Print help and exit

Print help, including hidden options, and exit

-V, --version
Print version and exit

-r, --replica=NUMBER
Set the replica count for the volume. This is a mandatory option and specifies how
many times the data will be replicated on different nodes. For example, with
replica count 2 the volume data will still be available when one of the nodes,
which includes the volume data fails (because there's still another node with the
copy of the data).

-o, --owner=NAME
Set the owner of the volume. The owners can modify volume ACLs (see sxacl(1)) and
other settings. This option is mandatory.

-s, --size=SIZE
Set the size of the new volume. The size can be followed by one of the following
suffixes: K(-ilobytes), M(-megabytes), G(-igabytes) and T(-erabytes) suffixes. This
option is mandatory.

-f, --filter=NAME[="FILTER_OPTIONS"]
Enable selected filter for the new volume. The filters can do some additional
processing of the data (such as compression or encryption), see sxvol-filter(1) for
more information.

Set the maximum number of revisions to keep for files in the volume. The revisions
are other versions of the file stored when the file gets modified. The default
value is 1, which means that only a single version of the file will be stored. See
sxrev(1) for more information about revisions.

-D, --debug
Enable debug messages

-c, --config-dir=PATH
Path to the SX configuration directory (default: ~/.sx)

-c, --filter-dir=PATH
Path to the SX filter directory (default: /usr/lib/sxclient)


To create a 5GB volume 'data' with replica count 2, owned by 'joe', which uses the
compression filter 'zcomp' run:
sxvol create -r 2 -o joe -s 5G -f zcomp sx://admin@cluster/data

To create an encrypted volume with replica 3 and default settings for 'admin' run:
sxvol create -r 3 -o admin -f aes256 sx://admin@cluster/encrypted

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