sxvol-modify - Online in the Cloud

This is the command sxvol-modify that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sxvol-modify - modify existing volumes


sxvol modify <OPTIONS> sx://[profile@]cluster/volume


Modify configuration of an existing volume. Some settings, such as the volume size or
owner, can only be changed by cluster administrators.


-h, --help
Print help and exit

Print help, including hidden options, and exit

-V, --version
Print version and exit

-o, --owner=NAME
Set a new owner of the volume. The old owner will be automatically removed from the
volume ACL (it can be granted access again using sxacl(1)) and the new owner will
be granted read, write and manager access.

-s, --size=SIZE
Set a new size of the volume. If the new size is lower than the current space usage
of the volume, it will not be possible to store any new data until enough data gets
removed to satisfy the limit. The size can be followed by one of the following
suffixes: K(-ilobytes), M(-megabytes), G(-igabytes) and T(-erabytes) suffixes.

Set a new limit for the number of file revisions kept int the volume. If the new
limit is lower than a previous one, the oldest file revisions, which exceed it will
be deleted. See sxrev(1) for more information about revisions.

Reset custom metadata of the volume. This option should only be used when
reconfiguring a filter-enabled volume.

This option resets the local configuration of the volume stored in the SX
configuration directory (by default ~/.sx).

-D, --debug
Enable debug messages

-c, --config-dir=PATH
Path to the SX configuration directory (default: ~/.sx)


To make 'bob' the new owner of the volume previously owned by 'joe' run:
sxvol modify -o bob sx://admin@cluster/volume

To change the size of the volume 'data' to 5 gigabytes run:
sxvol modify -s 5G sx://admin@cluster/data

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