tc2html-toc - Online in the Cloud

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tc2html-toc - table of contents processor for tc2html


tc2html-toc file ...


tc2html is a postprocessor for troffcvt that produces Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
tc2html is capable of generating a table of contents (TOC). However, since TOC entries
cannot all be known until the entire input document has been read, tc2html writes the TOC
near the end of the HTML document.

To handle this problem, tc2html-toc examines tc2html output for a table of contents and
moves it to the correct location. tc2html-toc is invoked for your automatically if you
use troff2html (which also invokes tc2html). If you run tc2html manually, you must also
run tc2html-toc manually.

tc2html and tc2html-toc cooperate by means of the following conventions. If tc2html
writes a TOC, it surrounds them with the following two HTML comments:
<!-- TOC BEGIN -->
<!-- TOC END -->
If the user wishes to explicitly specify a location for the TOC, this may be done by
invoking the .H*toc*title request in the document. This request writes a TOC title
followed by this HTML comment:
In addition, macro package redefinitions used with tc2html can make a guess about where
the TOC should be located in the absence of an explicit location marker. To do so, a
redefinition can write the following advisory marker comment:
For example, redefinitions for the -man macros can write an advisory location for the TOC
after the .TH macro invocation has been seen.

Given these conventions, tc2html-toc reads the input and examines it for the TOC and TOC
location. The input is written unchanged to the output if no TOC is found. Otherwise,
the locations listed below are used to reposition the TOC (with locations listed first
taking priority):

· The position of the TOC location marker.

· The position of the advisory TOC location marker.

· The beginning of the <BODY> part of the document.

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