vk_logmerge - Online in the Cloud

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vk_logmerge - a Valgrind XML log file merger


vk_logmerge [flags and input files in any order]


vk_logmerge is a valkyrie(1) helper. Given multiple log files (in xml format) generated by
multiple runs on a parallel machine, or multiple log files generated by sequential runs on
a single-processor machine, for the same binary, vk_logmerge merges the log files
together, summing the counts of duplicates, and outputs the result to a single file. As
input, vk_logmerge expects the log-files to-be-merged and/or a file containing the list of
log-files to-be-merged, with each entry on a separate line.

Log files can be merged from within valkyrie(1) , or use can invoke vk_logmerge directly.


-h Show help message

-v Be verbose (more -v's give more)

-t Output plain text (non-xml)

-f <log_list>
Obtain input files from <log_list> file (one per line)

-o <writefile>
File to write output to

At least 1 input file must be given.

If no '-o outfile' is given, writes to standard output.


vk_logmerge log1.xml -f loglist.fls -o merged.xml

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