wg-findBrokenAssets - Online in the Cloud

This is the command wg-findBrokenAssets that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



findBrokenAssets.pl -- Find and fix broken assets


findBrokenAssets.pl --configFile config.conf [--fix|--delete]

utility --help


This utility will find any broken assets that cannot be instantiated and are causing
undesired operation of your website. It also checks for these kinds of semi-working
assets and reports them:

· Shortcuts pointing to assets that don't exist.

· File assets that have lost their files in the uploads area.

It can also automatically delete them or fix them so you can restore missing data.



--configFile config.conf
The WebGUI config file to use. Only the file name needs to be specified, since it will
be looked up inside WebGUI's configuration directory. This parameter is required.

Delete any corrupted assets.

Try to fix any corrupted assets. The broken Shortcuts and File Assets cannot be

Limit the search for all broken assets to one assetId.

Shows a short summary and usage

Shows this document

Use wg-findBrokenAssets online using onworks.net services

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