whohas - Online in the Cloud

This is the command whohas that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



whohas - find packages in various distributions' repositories


whohas [--no-threads] [--shallow] [--strict] [-d Dist1[,Dist2[,Dist3 etc.]]] pkgname


whohas is a command line tool to query package lists from the Arch, Debian, Fedora,
Gentoo, Mandriva, openSUSE, Slackware, Source Mage, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
Fink, MacPorts and Cygwin distributions.


Don't use multiple threads to query package lists (will be much slower)

Limit to one call per server. Faster, but loses some information, typically package
size and release date.

List only those packages that have exactly pkgname as their name.

-d Dist1[,Dist2[,Dist3 etc.]]
Queries only for packages for the listed distributions. Recognised values for
Dist1, Dist2, etc. are "archlinux", "cygwin", "debian", "fedora", "fink",
"freebsd", "gentoo", "mandriva", "macports", "netbsd", "openbsd", "opensuse",
"slackware", "sourcemage", and "ubuntu".

Package name to query for

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