wixl-heat - Online in the Cloud

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wixl-heat - builds Wix XML fragments from a list of files and directories


wixl-heat [<option> [<option> ...]]


wixl-heat builds an Wix XML fragment from a list of files given on the standard input. The
XML fragment is output to the standard output.


-h, --help
Print a help message and exit.

--directory-ref <directory>
Specifies the directory reference for the DirectoryRef element.

--component-group <component group>
Specifies the component group for the ComponentGroup element.

--var <variable>
Specifies the variable to use for the source directory in the Source attribute of
the File elements.

-p, --prefix <directory>
Specifies the prefix in which the files are based (this is removed from the
resulting file names).

-x, --exclude <directory>
Excludes any files with the given prefix.


wixl-heat was written by Marc-André Lureau for Red Hat, Inc. This manual page was adapted
from the program usage information by Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>, for the Debian
GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). It was last modified for wixl version 0.93.

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