wmmenugen - Online in the Cloud

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wmmenugen - Window Maker PropList menu generator


wmmenugen [options...] -parser=<name> fspec [fspec...] [-parser=<name> fspec


wmmenugen generates a menu in the PropList format for Window Maker from the input file
fspec. In the case where fspec is a directory instead of a file, then wmmenugen will read
all the files present in the hierarchy of this directory.


--help, -h
print a help message with the list of options

specify the format of the file to be parsed

print the version of Window Maker from which the program comes


wmmenugen supports these file formats for input files:

the format of the menu generation tool for X of the same name

xdg the format of the menu specification as defined by the FreeDesktop standard,
currently at version 1.1


The exit status from the wmmenugen command provides information for the caller:

0 when the PropList menu was successfully generated on stdout.

1 when a fspec caused a problem (non readable file, ...)

2 the arguments of the command line where not recognised

3 the program met an unexpected menu structure; you probably want to look at the
section BUGS below.

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