xsec-templatesign - Online in the Cloud

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xmlsec-templatesign - Sign a template XML signature file


xmlsec-templatesign [-s distinguished-name] [-h string] [-c]
(-d | -e | -r) private-key password input


xmlsec-templatesign signs a template XML signature file using the Apache XML Security for
C++ library. The resulting signed file is printed to standard output. The signing key is
specified with one of -d (for a DSA key), -e (for an EC key), or -r (for an RSA key). The
key must be stored in a PEM-encoded file, and the password for that file must be given on
the command line.


Note that each option must be given as a separate argument.

--dsakey, -d
The provided private-key file is a PEM-encoded DSA private key.

--eckey, -e
The provided private-key file is a PEM-encoded EC private key.

--rsakey, -r
The provided private-key file is a PEM-encoded RSA private key.

--clearkeys, -c
Clear out any current KeyInfo elements in the file.

--hmackey string, -h string
Use the HMAC key specified by string.

--x509subjectname name, -s name
The provided name will be set as SubjectName in X.509.

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