a5booklet - Online in the Cloud

This is the command a5booklet that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



a5booklet - copy two A5 pages from a .dvi file to one A4 page in another.


a5booklet file[.dvi]


A5booklet is a little script that allows you to typeset two A5 pages next to eachother on
a single A4 page (landscape), combining pages from the original file in such a way that
after double sided printing and some reshuffeling of the pages you get a nice a5 booklet
that is ready for a staple in the middle.

The script calls a very clever program dvidvi, written by Tomas Rokicki (the author of
dvips), that does the real work.

The output is written to two files, file-1.dvi and file-2.dvi

dvips -ta4 -tlandscape file-1

then put the stack upside doen in the printer, and print the second file using

dvips -ta4 -tlandscape file-2

Make sure that the bottom of the A5-pages is on the correct side of the paper when you put
the stack back for printing the back side. After the two print jobs, you must re-shuffle
the paper stack before you can staple it.

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