aha - Online in the Cloud

This is the command aha that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



aha - Ansi HTML Adapter


aha [options] [-f file]


aha takes SGR-colored Input and prints W3C conform HTML-Code.
aha reads the Input from a file or stdin and writes HTML-Code to stdout.


--help , -h , -?
A help like this

--black , -b
Black Background and white "standard color"

--pink , -p
Pink Background

--stylesheet , -s
Use a stylesheet instead of inline styles

--iso X , -i X
Uses ISO 8859-X instead of utf-8. X must be 1..16

--title X , -t X
Gives the html output the title

--line-fix , -l
Uses a fix for inputs using control sequences to change the cursor position like
htop. It's a hot fix, it may not work with any program like htop. (See EXAMPLE)

--word-wrap , -w
Wrap long lines in the html file. This works with CSS3 supporting browsers as well
as many older ones.

--no-header , -n
Don't include header into generated HTML, useful for inclusion in full HTML files.


aha --help | aha --black --title "the awesome aha help"> aha-help.htm
Creates an HTML file with the help of aha with black background

colordiff oldfile.c newfile.c | aha > colordiff.htm
Creates an HTML file with a colorful diff-output of two files "oldfile.c" and
"newfile.c" with white background

ls --color=always | aha --pink > ls.htm
Creates an HTML file with a colorful ls-output with pink background.

echo q | htop | aha --black --line-fix > htop.htm
Creates an HTML file with the output of htop. You have to use --line-fix due the
other new-line-commands htop uses.

Use aha online using onworks.net services

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