airspy_si5351c - Online in the Cloud

This is the command airspy_si5351c that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



airspy_si5351c - chip register read/write tool


The Airspy is a tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver.

This application lets the user control the si5351c chip.


airspy_si5351c [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <n>: print textual configuration information

-n, --register <n>: set register number for subsequent read/write operations

-r, --read: read register specified by last -n argument, or all registers

-w, --write <v>: write register specified by last -n argument with value <v>

[-s serial_number_64bits]: Open board with specified 64bits serial number.


airspy_si5351c -n 12 -r # reads from register 12

airspy_si5351c -r # reads all registers

airspy_si5351c -n 10 -w 22 # writes register 10 with 22 decimal

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