amqp-publish - Online in the Cloud

This is the command amqp-publish that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



amqp-publish — Publish a message on an AMQP server


amqp-publish OPTION


Publishes a message to an exchange on an AMQP server. Options allow the various
properties of the message and parameters of the AMQP basic.publish method to
be specified.

By default, the message body is read from standard input. Alternatively, the -b option
allows the message body to be provided as part of the command.



--exchange=exchange name
The name of the exchange to publish to. If omitted, the default exchange (also
known as the nameless exchange) is used.


--routing-key=routing key
The routing key to publish with. If omitted, an empty routing key is assumed.
A routing key must be specified when publishing to the default exchange; in that
case, accoding to the AMQP specification, the routing key corresponds to a queue


Use the persistent delivery mode. Without this option, non-persistent delivery
is used.


--content-type=MIME type
Specifies the content-type property for the message. If omitted, the content-
type property is not set on the message.


--content-encoding=content coding
Specifies the content-encoding property for the message. If omitted, the
content-encoding property is not set on the message.


--body=message body
Specifies the message body. If omitted, the message body is read from standard


Send a short message, consisting of the word
``Hello'' to the queue ``myqueue'' via the default exchange:" 10

amqp-publish -r myqueue -b Hello

Send some XML data from a file to the exchange
``events'', with persistent delivery mode, setting the content-type property on the
message to make the data format explicit:" 10

amqp-publish -e events -p -C text/xml event.xml

See also

librabbitmq-tools(7) describes connection-related options common to all the
RabbitMQ C Client tools.


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