amssub - Online in the Cloud

This is the command amssub that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



amssub - Asynchronous Message Service (AMS) test message receiver for VxWorks


amssub "application_name", "authority_name", "subject_name"


amssub is a message reception program designed to test AMS functionality in a VxWorks
environment. When an amssub task is started, it registers as an application module in the
root unit of the venture identified by application_name and authority_name, looks up the
subject number for subject_name, subscribes to that subject, and begins receiving and
printing messages on that subject until terminated by amsstop.

A configuration server for the local continuum and a registrar for the root unit of the
indicated venture (which may both be instantiated in a single amsd daemon task) must be
running in order for amssub to run.


-1 amssub terminated with an error as noted in the ion.log file.

"0" amssub terminated normally.

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