apvlv - Online in the Cloud

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apvlv — PDF/DJVU/UMD viewer with vim-like behaviour


apvlv [options] [file]


apvlv is a PDF/DJVU/UMD viewer, which behaves like vim.


-c file
Load configuration from file instead of the default ~/.apvlvrc

Show help message and exit

Show version and exit


The following command keys can be used inside apvlv. Some of them may be prefixed by a
number (as in pressing "13G"), this is indicated by a count in their description. Unless
noted otherwise, the default value for the number is 1.

o Display file chooser to open a PDF/DJVU/UMD file

O Select a directory to display

R Reload the current file

r Rotate the document clockwise by 90 degrees

G Show page number count

gt Show next tab

gT Show previous tab

PageDown, C-f
Go forward count pages

PageUp, C-b
Go backward count pages

C-d Go forward count half pages

C-u Go backward count half pages

H Scroll to page head

M Scroll to page middle

L Scroll to page bottom

s skip some pages count

C-p, Up, k
Scroll up count units

C-n, Down, h
Scroll down count units

Backspace, Left, h
Scroll left count units

Space, Right, l
Scroll right count units

/ string
Search forwards for string

? string
Search backwards for string

f Toggle between fullscreen and window mode

zi Zoom in

zo Zoom out

zw Zoom to fit window width

zh Zoom to fit window height

m char Mark the current position to char, so that it can be recalled by pressing char

' char Return to the mark position char

'' Return to the last position

q Close the current window

v Select a area

C-v Select a rectange area

y copy the select area text to clipboard


These can be set in ~/.apvlvrc with "set setting [= value]".

fullscreen = yes/no
Enable/Disable fullscreen

width = int
Default window width

height = int
Default window height

defaultdir = path
Default directory for the open dialogue

zoom = mode
Set default zoom level

normal The application sets the default zoom value

Fit pages to window width

Fit pages to window height

float 1.0 for 100%, 2.0 for 200%, etc.

content = yes/no
Show content view first

continuous = yes/no
Show PDF/DJVU/UMD pages continuously or not.

continuouspad = int
Padding betwen pages for continuous = yes

autoscrollpage = yes/no
Enable/Disable scrolling the pages when hitting a page tail/head

noinfo = yes/no
Disable/Enable the usage of ~/.apvlvinfo

pdfcache = int
Set pdf cache size

Disable/Enable cache

scrollbar = yes/no
Set show scrollbar or not

visualmode = yes/no
Set use visual mode to select and copy text or not

wrapscan = yes/no
Set wrapscan to search text or not

doubleclick = action
Set default double click action

none Selection nothing

word Selection a word under the curcor to clipboard

line Selection a line under the curcor to clipboard

page Selection a page under the curcor to clipboard

guioptions = m/T/mT
Weather display menu, toolbar or mean and toolbar.

autoreload = int
If auto reload document after some seconds
If use inverted mode for pdf page


Like the COMMANDS, but prefixed with a colon:

Display the help document

:h[elp] info
Display the help document (section "introduction")

:h[elp] command
Display the help document (section "command")

:h[elp] setting
Display the help document (section "setting")

:h[elp] prompt
Display the help document (section "prompt")

Close the current window

:o[pen] file
Open file

:doc file
Load file into the current window

:TOtext [file]
Translate file (or the current page) to a text file

Print the current document

Create a new tab

:sp Horizontally split the current window

:vsp Vertically split the current window

:fp, :forwardpage [int]
Go forward int pages (1 by default)

:bp, :prewardpage [int]
Go backward int pages (1 by default)

:g, :goto int
Go to page int

:z[oom] mode
Set zoom to mode (see "set zoom" in SETTINGS)

:int Go to page int


apvlv was written by Alf <naihe2010@gmail.com>.

This manual page was originally written by Stefan Ritter <xeno@thehappy.de> for the Debian
project (but may be used by others), and was rewritten more beautifully by Daniel Friesel

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