bping - Online in the Cloud

This is the command bping that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bping - Send and receive Bundle Protocol echo bundles.


bping [-c count] [-i interval] [-p priority] [-q wait] [-r flags] [-t ttl] srcEID destEID


bping sends bundles from srcEID to destEID. If the destEID echoes the bundles back (for
instance, it is a bpecho endpoint), bping will print the round-trip time. When complete,
bping will print statistics before exiting. It is very similar to ping, except it works
with the bundle protocol.

bping terminates when one of the following happens: it receives the SIGINT signal
(Ctrl+C), it receives responses to all of the bundles it sent, or it has sent all count of
its bundles and waited wait seconds.


These exit statuses are taken from ping.

"0" bping has terminated normally, and received responses to all the packets it sent.

"1" bping has terminated normally, but it did not receive responses to all the packets it

"2" bping has terminated due to an error. Details should be noted in the ion.log log

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